Logging into the Rosetta Stone App

These instructions will walk you through logging into the Rosetta Stone app on your mobile device.  


Mobile Application Login Instructions:

  1. Open the App Store icon on your mobile device.
  2. Search for Rosetta Stone.
  3. Download the Rosetta Stone: Learn Languages application.
  4. Do not launch the app once installed.
  5. Open your web browser.
  6. Navigate to your library's website and locate the Rosetta Stone login portal.
  7. On the login screen, enter your email, password, and the language you wish to learn.
  8. Click Sign In.
  9. From the landing page, click Launch Rosetta Stone Foundations.
  10. The learning program will launch automatically from the Rosetta Stone application.
  • Last Updated Jan 16, 2024
  • Views 832
  • Answered By Mike Pope

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